Donate to Sunday

Sunday Foundation is a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2020. If you’d like to verify our nonprofit status, you may check our records with GuideStar or the IRS (EIN: 852292438). Please note: We’re are not a private foundation, we’re a small, public charity.

Poverty is a big, timeless problem.

Microfinance is a vital part of the solution, but there must be change. The dismal state of the microfinance industry and crushing burden of high interest debt on the shoulders of the poor is well documented, unsustainable, and cruel.

Sunday isn't just a nonprofit, we're a movement to make microfinance radically different, better, and kinder.

We’re here to help and ready to serve.

We operate with a transparent, build-in-public philosophy so our stakeholders can see and participate in our work. LinkedIn is where we share most frequently.

Sunday donors get detailed reporting on our portfolio, leadership, and innovation work. We share stories of the people we serve, behind-the-scenes operations, event invitations, impact reports, recognition, volunteer opportunities, membership in our organization, and the pride of fueling work that matters to you.

We welcome your support and we invite you to join our journey.

You may also make a large or one time donation (adjustable):

Donor FAQS

  • Yes. You may increase your monthly Patreon donation anytime you want.

  • Yes! 😊 To donate more than $500, click here and change the amount to your preference. You can also contact us for ACH/Wire instructions.

  • We welcome corporations, foundations, and other institutional donors from all countries.

    We can showcase sponsors on our website and social media channels, we can provide volunteer opportunities for employees, our team members are available to speak at partner events, and we can create custom programs specific to your needs .

  • Your donations support underserved entrepreneurs in low income communities around the world.

    Your donations are given to entrepreneurs as microloans. When borrowers repay loans, that money is then relent to others in need. Consequently, donations are recycled over and over and each has a long term ripple effect beyond one immediate beneficiary.

    Our administration and operational costs are minimal and detailed in our public, annual impact reports.

  • For US taxpayers, donations are tax deductible. You’ll need our Employee Identification Number or EIN to claim a deduction when you file your taxes which is 85-2292438. The official name of our nonprofit organization is “Sunday Foundation”.

  • Yes, we share our financial statements with the public. Our financials are included in our Annual Impact Reports which you can find here.